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Tenderly’s Full Integration With Arbitrum: How to Make the Most of It

Tenderly and Arbitrum are now fully integrated. You can now use all Tenderly features for any Arbitrum-related scenario in development and production. Streamline your process, test different transaction scenarios, or monitor and react to any event happening on the Arbitrum network.

Tenderly’s Full Integration With Arbitrum: How to Make the Most of It

While Arbitrum has already been one of Tenderly’s supported networks, we’re excited to announce the full integration with this L2 scaling solution. Thanks to Arbitrum’s compatibility with the EVM at the bytecode level, it’s known as one of the most EVM-compatible roll-ups. Solidity and Vyper work out of the box with Arbitrum and they’re both supported by Tenderly.

Additionally, with Arbitrum One now fully running on Nitro, a seamless upgrade based on standard technologies such as WASM and Geth, the network is more efficient than ever. This upgrade has brought 7-10 times higher throughput rates, advanced call data compression, better gas compatibility with Ethereum L1, advanced roll-up architecture overall, and so much more.

With the Arbitrum network maximizing the value it offers, the Tenderly team also wanted to boost the overall user experience. So, we bring you, our users, the full suite of Tenderly tools fully integrated with Arbitrum. Ready to get started?

How to streamline your development on Arbitrum with Tenderly

With the complete Arbitrum integration in place, you can utilize all Tenderly features both during development and in production. Here’s what awaits you:

Play around in Sandbox

Before even heading over to the Tenderly Dashboard, why not play around with a smart contract in Tenderly Sandbox? This zero-setup, in-browser environment allows you to write and run smart contracts while choosing Arbitrum as the network.

Once you set everything up and hit the run button, you’ll get the output and simulated transactions as if the contract were deployed to the actual Arbitrum network. Cool, right?

Inspect and fix with Debugger

Okay, let’s take it to the next level! From Sandbox, you can jump over to the Tenderly Dashboard and inspect your transactions or fix any smart contract errors using Debugger. This tool allows you to pinpoint the exact line of code causing your transaction to fail, accelerating the debugging process significantly.

Transaction debugging was implemented in the first phase of integration with Arbitrum. However, you can now take full advantage of the Tenderly suite by using Debugger along with other helpful features such as Gas Profiler.

Optimize with Gas Profiler

Our complete integration allows us to mimic the Arbitrum gas usage, which you can break down in Gas Profiler. This feature enables you to analyze the gas usage of your transactions down to individual function calls.

Once you pinpoint functions that use the most gas, you can go back to Debugger to make adjustments and optimize your code. This way, you can make sure your transactions are gas-efficient before deploying them to Arbitrum.

ℹ️ Gas Profiler isn’t available for pre-Nitro blocks, but the Tenderly team offers alternative solutions, so feel free to reach out if you need any assistance.

Get an overview of your transactions

The full integration brought support for Arbitrum precompiles, which has also enabled you to get transaction listings for single contracts and entire projects. In production, you can get an overview of transactions executed on the Arbitrum network in Tenderly.

From there, you have a host of other possibilities, from debugging any failed transactions to re-simulating them with adjusted parameters.

An extra tip: Install the Tenderly Debugger Chrome extension and open any transaction of interest in Tenderly directly from Arbiscan, Etherscan, or any other block explorer.

Test and validate with Simulator

Ready to make development even more interesting? Then re-simulate a transaction to:

  • validate any bug fixes before submitting them to Arbitrum.
  • see what would have happened if a transaction had been executed at a historical block.
  • adjust a contract’s source code for a completely new outcome.

Try out complex scenarios with Forks

Transition from Simulator to Forks with just a click of the Run on Fork button. Once you hit the button, your simulated Arbitrum transaction will be used as a starting point for your new Fork environment. Next, choose among numerous options, from re-simulating your original simulation to duplicating your Fork for new experiments.

Basically, use a forgiving Fork environment as your personal testnet and simulate everything you can think of without any actual on-chain steps. Yes, that’s right!

You can also create a new Fork based on the Arbitrum network. This option gives you a clean slate for simulating complex scenarios on Arbitrum:

Don’t miss out on anything with Alerting

Want to keep track of relevant events on the Arbitrum network? Head over to Alerting and set up customizable notifications you can receive directly to your inbox. For instance, get alerted whenever a successful transaction happens on addresses deployed on the Arbitrum network.

Next, take this standard alerting to an advanced level by pairing it with Web3 Actions.

React quickly with Web3 Actions

Do you want to automate responses to your alerts or any other relevant events on Arbitrum? Well, Web3 Actions are at your full disposal. Use this serverless backend to execute your custom code automatically.

Your custom Action will execute in less than a second whenever a relevant on-chain or off-chain event happens. In addition to using your custom alerts as an Action trigger, you can also choose any of the pre-defined trigger types. For example, Tenderly Web3 Actions can execute your code whenever a successful transaction takes place or on every 100th block mined on Arbitrum.

Stay up to date with Analytics

Finally, you can go to the Analytics section for the most recent data specific to Arbitrum. Extract any data you need, such as an overview of transactions over time, the number of daily, weekly or monthly users, top events emitted on the network, and more.

If needed, you can also create a graph based on the specific parameters relevant to a smart contract or wallet on the Arbitrum network.

See what happens when Tenderly meets Arbitrum

“Tenderly is critical infrastructure and has been one of the most requested tools on Arbitrum”, explains Ed Felten, Co-Founder & Chief Scientist at Arbitrum. And with the complete integration now in place, users can now take full advantage of both the Tenderly Web3 development platform and the newly upgraded Arbitrum network.

All that’s left is for you to register with Tenderly for free, go to your Tenderly Dashboard, and try out Arbitrum!