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Binance Smart Chain Now Live on Tenderly!

This launch means that developers on the Binance Smart Chain can now use all Tenderly tooling to boost productivity and increase production confidence tenfold.

Binance Smart Chain Now Live on Tenderly!

It’s no secret that we love adding support for Blockchain networks that bring value to the whole ecosystem. But I would be lying if I told you I’m not specifically excited for this one!

On December 10th, we’ve officially added support for the Binance Smart Chain. This launch means that developers on the Binance Smart Chain can now use all Tenderly tooling to boost productivity and increase production confidence tenfold.

The future is Multi-Chain

Since the beginning, we’ve been strong supporters of multiple Blockchains working together to dethrone traditional financial and centralized systems. This vision is why we’ve been adding support for Blockchains that subscribe to this idea: xDAI, Matic, and others.

In February of 2019, we saw that Binance was launching the testnet for their Binance Chain. We instantly started researching to see what it would take for Tenderly to support this endeavor. At that time, it didn’t make sense to bring our Smart Contract tooling to the Binance Chain, as there was no Smart Contract support.

Fast forward to September of 2020, and we were ecstatic to see Binance Launching the Binance Smart Chain. We instantly jumped onto Telegram and pinged Flora Sun, who we’ve met at the ETHParis Hackathon. Things immediately clicked for both sides, and we were off to the races!

Binance X

Flora told us that Binance would love to support us in bringing Tenderly to the BSC Developer community. That’s where Binance X comes into the picture.

Binance X is an initiative to foster innovation on the Binance platform and the general ecosystem at large.

So far, we got a lot of support from the Binance X team, and it’s been very rewarding working with them on bringing the best in class tooling over to the Binance Smart Chain.

So welcome everyone, nice to meet you 👋

Hello BSC friends! It’s very nice to meet you all!

Tenderly boasts quite a feature set, but getting started is easy. Let’s see a couple of ways how Tenderly can help you out!

Debugging Transactions

Human-Readable Stack-Traces

Debugging transactions in Tenderly is as easy as pasting the hash into the search bar. Here’s the link to the transaction you can see above. At a glance, you can see what went wrong. You can dive even further down the rabbit hole by clicking on the Debug Error link.

Input, Output and State variables are decoded automagically for you


An example Tenderly notification in Slack

Once you receive a real-time alert from Tenderly, you’ll start wondering why you ever kept refreshing a transactions page on the Binance Smart Chain Explorer.

You can choose from a lot, and I mean a lot of different alert types in Tenderly. And the best thing is, we’re always adding new ones!

Not only that, you can configure each of the alert types. This flexibility means you receive notifications only for the things that matter to you.

For example, we can get an alert if the state of a Smart Contract changes

And the icing on the cake? Tenderly supports multiple destinations, so you can pick where to receive notifications.

E-Mail, Slack, Telegram, Discord, Sentry, PagerDuty and more coming soon!

So much more

There is much more to Tenderly. A link that we love to share a link with newcomers is the 10 ways to save time during Blockchain development by using Tenderly article. It’s a great place to start!

Moving forward

This article is just the first in the series that will help you bring your Binance Smart Chain to a whole new level!

So what are you waiting for? Go to Tenderly and start monitoring now!

Thanks for staying with me until the end of this article. As always, you can reach us on Discord or over at support@tenderly.co. Talk to you soon!