Launched by the NFT marketplace Zora, Zora Network is an application-specific rollup intended for artists, creators, and brands. As an L2 solution, the chain extends Ethereum's capabilities while bringing it closer to artist communities. It uses the open-source OP stack, focusing on gas efficiency and scalability.
To further support Ethereum scalability, Zora Network uses Conduit’s managed rollup-as-a-service. Offering production-ready rollups, Conduit simplifies deployment and enables Zora Network to meet its need for high transaction throughputs and confirmation times with scalable components. Together, Zora Network and Conduit open new possibilities for both developers and end users.
With Tenderly’s full-stack infrastructure, you can take full advantage of Zora Network, as well as Zora Testnet, and Conduit rollups while also building advanced dapps highly optimized for your users. As your infrastructure partner, Tenderly facilitates all stages of dapp development, testing, monitoring, and integration, enabling you to build high-performance and scalable dapps in one place.
Building scalable dapps that support artistic expression on-chain
Zora Network provides a unique opportunity for forward-looking developers to build scalable dapps that foster artistic expression on-chain. You can build dapps on Zora for artists, creators, and brands to showcase their work and mint NFTs at minimal gas fees and with swift confirmation times, empowering the artist community.
“Zora Network expands Ethereum for artists, creators, and communities. It makes Ethereum faster, cheaper, and more enjoyable for minting by creating a place for more on-chain expression and experimentation”, Tyson Battistella, founder of Zora.
Together with the underlying Conduit rollup technology, Zora Network offers fast on-chain deployment, almost non-existent gas prices, and high transaction throughputs. Plus, since Conduit is EVM-equivalent, it allows you to seamlessly integrate Tenderly’s full-stack infrastructure into your dapp, getting essential building blocks and tooling to build advanced products.
“Tenderly is the premiere development platform for Ethereum apps. We couldn't be more excited to work with them, and make their best-in-class tooling available for all Conduit Rollups”, Andrew Huang, the founder of Conduit.
How to use Tenderly for dapp development and integration on Zora Network
By partnering with Tenderly, you get more control and flexibility over dapp development, testing, monitoring, and on-chain usage. You can use Tenderly’s full-stack infrastructure and tooling in all stages of dapp development on Zora Network and Zora Testnet.
“As a partner for Web3 teams, Tenderly strives to standardize practices that facilitate blockchain development and bring all infrastructural components together in a multichain environment. Our integration with Zora Network and underlying Conduit rollups further supports Web3 developers in their efforts to innovate on the blockchain and build powerful products in an easier way”, Andrej Benčić, CEO and co-founder of Tenderly.
So, whether during development or on-chain, you get full support and guidance with Tenderly’s end-to-end solutions. Here’s how to get started.
1. Use DevNets to build dapps with a private Zora Network replica
You can start building against Zora Network production data without deploying your creator contracts on-chain. As a zero-setup development and testing environment, DevNets allow you to fork the Zora chain and get the latest network states, unlocked public accounts, and an unlimited faucet.

By using DevNets as your private Zora replica, you can:
- Deploy, verify, execute, and debug NFT contracts instantly and see how your solutions would behave once deployed on Zora.
- Manipulate your environment with custom values using YAML to override on-chain data for specific creator contracts and wallets.
- Automate your development and testing by using YAML files to spin up new DevNets with already preset custom configurations.
You can then add a DevNet RPC to your existing projects, such as HardHat and Foundry for additional functionalities. This way, you can get immediate access to Tenderly Debugger, Gas Profiler, and Transaction Simulator while in local development.
2. Integrate Transaction Preview to secure NFT minting
Using Tenderly’s simulation infrastructure, you can simplify the process of NFT minting and trading. By integrating transaction simulations into you dapp, you can enable the Transaction Preview functionality that allows your users to see transaction outcomes before minting and trading NFTs to make sure everything goes as expected.
By enabling Transaction Preview in your dapp, you can:
- Provide valuable insights and transparency to your users, including which NFTs are being transferred within a transaction, as well as their dollar values.
- Simplify complex NFT minting and trading that involves multiple transactions by using Simulation Bundles to simulate interdependent transactions and provide results for each step.
- Eliminate security risks by surfacing incorrect data or token ownership, as well as all involved contract interactions.
Previewing transactions on Zora in MetaMask
Additionally, aside from adding this functionality to your dapp, you can also use it in MetaMask with Tenderly TX Preview Snap. The Tenderly snap enables MetaMask users to preview the status of their transactions, transferred assets, and corresponding dollar amounts before approving the transactions.

After adding Zora Network to MetaMask and enabling the Tenderly TX Preview Snap, you’ll get insightful information about your transactions automatically. Head over to your NFT marketplace of choice and continue with NFT trading as usual. Before you approve your transactions in MetaMask, go to the Tenderly TX Preview tab and see whether everything executes as expected.
3. Monitor dapp usage and performance for quick responses
With Tenderly’s monitoring infrastructure, you can also set up an advanced and automated incident management system. Tenderly Alerting and Web3 Actions allow you to keep track of relevant events on Zora.
For instance, you can monitor (un)successful transactions, state changes, balance changes, emitted events, blocked/allowed callers, and other events of interest. Once your alerts get triggered, you can set up Web3 Actions to automatically respond with custom code.

Additionally, if you’re an NFT trader on Zora, you can also use Alerting to monitor specific wallets and react quickly in NFT bidding scenarios. For instance, you can get a direct message whenever someone places a higher bid for an NFT you want to claim.
Build dapps on Zora Network with Tenderly & support scalability
As the Web3 developer community continues to work on Ethereum scalability, you get more opportunities to build innovative dapps, empower your users, and lower barriers to entry. By building on Zora Network and taking advantage of the underlying Conduit rollups, you can work on innovative solutions that expand industry applications.
By integrating Tenderly’s full-stack Web3 infrastructure, you can overcome the fragmentation and overhead of Web3 development, testing, and monitoring. So, start building with Tenderly to focus entirely on your product!