Arbitrum Nova is a high-performance L2 solution with ultra-low fees for dapps requiring a high transaction throughput. While Arbitrum One is a trustless rollup protocol, Arbitrum Nova is powered by the trustless AnyTrust protocol, a variant of the Arbitrum Nitro technology stack.
The AnyTrust protocol relies on an external Data Availability Committee (DAC) that stores, verifies, and provides data on demand. This way, the protocol enables low transaction fees while maintaining high security, making Arbitrum Nova suitable for applications that require high performance and affordability.
In addition to Arbitrum One, you can use Tenderly to build on the Arbitrum Nova chain too. By integrating Tenderly’s full-stack infrastructure, you have all the necessary components and tools to build innovative solutions.
“Tenderly’s support for Arbitrum Nova expands the possibilities for Arbitrum builders, enabling them to develop dapps faster and with ease. Together with Arbitrum’s low costs and high security, the integration empowers builders to innovate on the blockchain and helps grow the Arbitrum Nova ecosystem”, Austin Marrazza, Associate Product Manager at Offchain Labs.
How to use Tenderly to build advanced dapps on Arbitrum Nova
Tenderly provides essential building blocks and tooling at every stage of dapp development. You can use the Tenderly infrastructure to build, test, deploy, monitor, and scale your dapps on Arbitrum Nova. Without having to maintain your own infrastructure or piece everything together yourself, you can focus on building your product and always be one step ahead.
Let’s see how you can use Tenderly for dapp development and integration on Arbitrum Nova.
1. Interact with Arbitrum Nova through Tenderly Node
Tenderly Node allows you to connect to and interact with Arbitrum Nova, as well as Arbitrum One and Arbitrum Sepolia. With stable connection and multiregional support, our highly performant Node-as-a-Service gives you both standard and custom RPC methods, including the Simulation RPC, UI RPC Builder, and free access to historical data.

Most importantly, our node is at the core of Tenderly's full-stack infrastructure, giving you production-based development and testing environments, essential development tooling, and integrated monitoring solutions. So, by using our NaaS to interact with Arbitrum Chains, you also get everything you need for efficient dapp development in one place.
2. Speed up dapp development and testing
During dapp prototyping, development, and testing, you can get your own private replica of Arbitrum Nova with Tenderly DevNets, a development and testing environment. Without deploying to the actual network, you can preview contract execution against production data.
With DevNets, you get all the recent states and unlocked public accounts while keeping your privacy until you’re ready to go public. You can also test any number of complex scenarios with an unlimited faucet, customizable YAML templates, and custom RPC calls.
Once you upload, execute, and verify your contracts on a DevNet, you can also jump into:
- Debugger to inspect exact lines of code in the event of a bug, with a range of errors precisely detected.
- Transaction Simulator to try out a bug fix with updated contract source code, state overrides, and updated transaction parameters.
- Gas Profiler to analyze a contract’s gas consumption along with a granular view of individual function calls.
Just as with Arbitrum Nova RPCs, you can get a DevNet RPC and integrate it into your existing flows. You can use DevNets to extend your local environment or integrate into your CI setups. DevNets complement existing frameworks such as HardHat, Foundry, GitHub Actions, and CircleCI.

3. Integrate the simulation infrastructure
With the Tenderly Simulation Infrastructure, you can allow users to preview transactions before sending them to Arbitrum Nova. This way, you help them prevent unexpected failures, unnecessary costs, and hidden security risks. You also simplify and secure the user experience, build trust and loyalty with your users, and ensure full transparency.
So, by integrating Tenderly simulations, you can introduce some essential dapp functionalities and stay competitive in the market, including:
- The Transaction Preview functionality for insights into transaction outcomes prior to sending. Users can see details such as asset and balance changes, corresponding dollar values, gas fee estimates, and more.
Tenderly TX Preview Snap for MetaMask is an example of this functionality. You can install it and automatically receive this information when approving transactions for Arbitrum Nova in MetaMask (provided that the dapp you’re using supports the network). - A dapp simulation mode as a playground for users where they can try out your dapp without spending any gas. This way, users can get familiar with your dapp and try out different strategies in a safe, simulated environment.
4. Get control over your dapp on-chain
With Tenderly’s full-stack infrastructure, you get more control over your dapp usage and performance even after it’s deployed to the Arbitrum Nova chain. Using Tenderly Alerting, you can monitor different on-chain events and receive real-time notifications for specified triggers. This way, you can stay up to date with contract interactions, potential failures, suspicious activities, and more.

Plus, you can connect Tenderly alerts with Web3 Actions, programmable hooks for on-chain events. Using Web3 Actions, you can write custom code that executes automatically once triggered by an alert or some other set condition. With this automated monitoring system, you can handle incident management in your Arbitrum Nova dapp more efficiently.

Innovate on Arbitrum Nova with Tenderly
Building on Arbitrum Nova with Tenderly allows you to develop high-volume dapps with advanced functionalities in a much easier way. By integrating the Tenderly infrastructure, you can spend your time actually building your product rather than piecing fragmented components together.
From development and testing to on-chain monitoring and dapp integration, you have the building blocks, tooling, and support you need to gain a competitive advantage in Web3.
Ready to get started? Spin up your own replica of Arbitrum Nova and start building!