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Tenderly Node UI Redesign and DevEx Improvements

May 17, 2024 • 10 months ago

Tenderly Node UI Redesign and DevEx Improvements

The Tenderly Node interface has been redesigned and upgraded to include powerful new features to enhance your experience.

Create multiple Node RPCs for a single network

Previously, you were limited to using one RPC link to access a single network. We've removed this limitation, allowing you to create multiple instances of Tenderly Node for a single network.

For example, you can create five Node RPCs for the Mainnet and use them in different projects. The base RPC link will remain the same for each instance (e.g., mainnet.gateway.tenderly.co)—only the access token appended to the end of the base URL will be different, making it easier to switch between the different instances dynamically.

Seamless dapp integration

Integrating Tenderly Node into your dapp is easier than ever with integration code snippets located directly in the Dashboard. Choose your preferred framework—Hardhat, Viem, Ethers, or Wagmi—and copy/paste the provided snippet into your code to use Tenderly Node as your node provider.

Find more integration code snippets in the documentation.

Improved RPC Builder

The RPC Builder has been redesigned to accommodate developers in their daily experimentation flows with the ability to test RPC methods from the browser. Select any RPC method and click Run to execute it through Tenderly Node. The request data in JSON form is pre-filled for you, saving you the trouble of configuring it yourself. You can also mark a commonly used RPC method as a "Favorite," so you don't have to search for it every time you want to run a quick test.

Soft rate limits for Pro plan users

Pro plan users now benefit from soft rate limits on Tenderly Node. This ensures that your access to Tenderly Node won't be blocked during occasional usage spikes, and you won’t incur overage fees. If you consistently consume more Tenderly Units than your plan allows, our team will reach out to you to discuss potential plan upgrades that better fit your needs.

Learn more about soft rate limits on Tenderly Node.