Replace public testnets with Virtual TestNets to build dapps on on-chain data. Get started now!

DevNets Resource Hub

Kickstart your dapp development journey on DevNets in no time. This page provides all the essential resources you need to set up your development environment on DevNets, customize it, and integrate it with your existing projects.

devnets dashboard

Why develop on DevNets?

DevNets offer a managed, zero-setup development environment specifically designed for smart contracts. With built-in debugging and testing tools, it integrates seamlessly into your existing Hardhat, Foundry, or Truffle projects.

  • Isolated environment
  • Mainnet data replica
  • Network customization
  • Reusable network templates
  • 10 pre-loaded test accounts
  • Millisecond TX execution
devnets supported networks

Supported across
30+ networks

Build and test your dapps using production data. Execute transactions and deploy your code on an exact replica of the latest state of your selected network.

Explore supported networks

DevNets toolset

Harness the power of Tenderly's advanced development, testing, and debugging tools right in your local environment.


Visual Debugger

Catch and fix bugs in your contracts and understand failing transactions at a glance.



Leave comments on any line of code and get your entire team involved in debugging.


Transaction Simulator

Dry-run transactions and edit the contract source to ensure your fixes work as intended.

gas profiler

Gas Profiler

Get precise insights into how each function in your code consumes gas and how much.

transaction trace

Transaction Trace

Understand the inner workings of your code with detailed insights into TX execution.

block explorer

Private block explorer

Explore and track all transactions executed in your environment in one place.

public sharing

Public sharing

Share your transaction runs and environment with your colleagues or the public.

unlimited faucet tenderly

Unlimited faucet

Change or top up the balance on any of the accounts on the network fork.

How to use DevNets

Whether you're developing contracts locally or need a quick way to automate testing, DevNets fit seamlessly into your existing workflows.

Contract development

DevNets enhances contract development by offering rapid testing without public testnet latency, complete network customization, total privacy, no more mining or begging testnet ETH, and seamless integration with Tenderly's toolset.

Read the docs

Continuous integration

Integrating DevNet into your CI provides an isolated and automated testing environment with efficient debugging, ensuring code accuracy, minimizing setup time, accessing up-to-date chain states, and optimizing costs and resources.

Read the docs

Easy integration with the frameworks you already use & love

Use these resources to learn how to integrate DevNets into your existing Hardhat, Truffle, and Foundry projects.

Spawning a DevNet environment

Get your DevNet environment up and running in seconds.

  • Create template
  • Spawn a DevNet
  • Copy the RPC URL
tenderly hardhat

DevNets + Hardhat quickstart

Integrating DevNets into your Hardhat project is straightforward. Simply make a few edits to your Hardhat config file: add a new Tenderly networks object and insert the auto-generated RPC URL.

tenderly hardhat

Create DevNet templates faster using YAML

If you need more customization options when creating DevNet templates, use the YAML template editor. With YAML templates, you can override balances on any of the accounts on your fork, modify storage, change the balances of addresses for specific ERC-20 contracts, and more.

tenderly hardhat

Spawn a DevNet using Tenderly CLI

Automate DevNet spawning using the spawn-rpc CLI command, which will instantly spin up a DevNet environment and inject its RPC URL directly into your Hardhat config file.

Unlimited faucet

All accounts on your network fork are unlocked, enabling you to easily adjust the balance of any contract or wallet. The unlimited faucet is accessible from the Dashboard, or you can use the Tenderly Faucet app. Alternatively, you can use custom Tenderly RPC methods to set a specific balance on an account or add more test ETH.

devnets unlimited faucet dashbaord screenshot

Contract verification on DevNets

Tenderly uses the contract source code to enable the full potential of our Debugger and other tools. To take advantage of these and other features, we recommend that you verify your smart contracts.

✅ Simple contract verification

Learn how to deploy and verify a simple smart contract on a DevNet using Hardhat. Read tutorial

✅ Proxy contract verification

Learn how to deploy and verify Open Zeppeline's proxy contracts on DevNets using Hardhat. Read tutorial

Start building on DevNets

Create a free Tenderly account and spawn your first DevNet in seconds.

devnets dashboard